Thoughts & Insights

Bird Feeder and Birds


This past weekend I found myself eating breakfast solo at the kitchen counter. As I sat eating, I got to watch the beautiful winter scene before me in our backyard. The falling snow, the landscape covered with a few fresh inches, and our bird feeder bustling with life. From sparrows, ...
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40 Weeks Pregnant

Joy in the Waiting

This past Sunday was 40 weeks. 40 weeks of growing and protecting life inside. Dreaming and thinking of this little one’s personality and how it ...
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Korilynn Orth

It’s Time to Just Decide

A few weeks ago I was having my weekly session with one of my newer clients. We got on our call that day and she ...
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Set a goal that Inspires you!

It’s All About the Who

It’s a new year, a new month, a new week – so much excitement can come with that! I was surprised yesterday though as I ...
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Born to Create

You were born to be a creator. You were made to have an idea in your head and bring it into reality. From the toddler ...
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Don’t Bury Your Talents

I remember sitting at the stop light with tears in my eyes “I don’t want to go to work”. It was something I had found ...
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“It’s just hard” I don’t know what it is – but that seems to be the theme of this summer that I keep hearing. I ...
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