It’s a new year, a new month, a new week – so much excitement can come with that!
I was surprised yesterday though as I heard people talk about New Year goals and resolutions – the amount of people who say they just don’t do anything because they don’t stick. That they don’t want to be disappointment when something doesn’t “work”.
Let me encourage you this morning, as I’ve learned some helpful tips in this life coaching journey I’ve taken over the past few years. It may be a new perspective shift that can help you succeed in this area if that thought resonates with you, “goals and resolutions don’t work for me”.
Too often people are setting goals to prove themselves or earn their worth. This right here is a recipe for defeat. It creates pressure, strain, and stress. It can create more overwhelm, and who needs that?!
But – what if you set a goal that inspires you? That encourages you as you think about what it will make possible? Because you see, the goal isn’t the point. WHO you become in the process is. It is the transformation in YOU as your work toward your goal.
Start there this year – ask yourself WHO you want to become in 2023. Think about what excites you and what inspires you, and dream and set goals from that place. When you do, I can assure you, you will be surprised at what you see happen!
Happy New Year friends!