
Bird Feeder and Birds

This past weekend I found myself eating breakfast solo at the kitchen counter. As I sat eating, I got to watch the beautiful winter scene before me in our backyard. The falling snow, the landscape covered with a few fresh inches, and our bird feeder bustling with life. From sparrows, to blue jays, to cardinals and woodpeckers, the bird feeder was the center of activity in our backyard.

I found myself thinking about a client situation I had coached someone around the previous day. How worry and anxiety have a way of creeping up in our life, almost daily. We worry about health, we worry about finances, we worry about relationships, careers, and the future. So no many what ifs…so many I Fears (ever see that IF may just stand for “I Fear”?).

The week before our pastor had mentioned the account of Mary and Martha. I’ve always been a Martha, busy and always doing. I also find myself utterly annoyed with Mary. Who are these people who can just sit and relax when there’s dishes in the sink and laundry to fold?? However, I saw this account in a new light… “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details” (Luke 10:41). Oh…what if it’s not so much the doing, but more so where Martha’s heart and mind was at? Worried and upset over the details? Is that me? Is that you? Is there a bigger picture being missed?

Looking back up at the birds, they were loving life on that snowy day! It was freezing cold out, the ground was covered, and yet they had everything they needed – more than enough actually.

What would our lives look like if we fully believed the words of Jesus? The constant command in the bible “Do not fear”? My life would look differently for sure. I’m thankful for the birds this weekend beacause they reminded me that I also have everything I need. And my Heavenly Father is providing for me in this world.

“Consider the birds – do you think they worry about their existence? They don’t plant or reap or store up food, yet your heavenly Father provides them each with food. Aren’t you much more valuable to your Father than they?”

Matthew 6:26 TPT
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