I remember sitting at the stop light with tears in my eyes “I don’t want to go to work”.
It was something I had found myself saying more and more. I loved being a nurse, but this way of nursing took the life right out of me.
It was at that intersection I asked myself: “Do I even want to be a nurse anymore?”
The weekend before I had heard the parable of the talents preached on at church. I had always seen that message in the light of finance and giving. Funny how there are times God drops the veil and you see things through a totally different lens. It happened that day. I clearly remember Him right then and there prompting my heart saying, “Don’t bury the talents I have given to you”.
Fast forward a few months… after that experience at the stop light, I decided I wasn’t going to leave nursing, I wasn’t going to bury the talents I had caring for others. I had moved on from my ER job of 7+ years and was working in a doctor’s office and really enjoying the schedule and my patients, but there was something more, something missing.
Something in me was not ok that these patients were going to be reliant on the medications I was administering for the rest of their life. There had to be a way for the body to heal.
I started following holistic providers, integrative providers, and naturopathic providers. I began reading books and articles, listening to podcasts and connecting with those in the holistic space, and I realized – this is the approach to health and wellness I want to take! After searching for a certification program I found the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute and it was an amazing fit.
That was in December of 2019. For two months I then talked myself about all the reasons it wasn’t a good time to do this program:
- Home is busy – I’ve got two very young children.
- Work is busy – I’m the sole nurse building up the infusion practice in the office.
- We recently moved and had bought a home – I don’t want to pay for a certification right now.
The first week in March, I realized that time is going to pass anyway, and there will always be a reason why something won’t work.
So I took action – massive action – I did something terrifying to me at the time and I signed up for the IHP certification program. A week later the world shut down, I left my office job I loved so much and there was so much unknown.
And now, here I am two and half years later with my own business, and a list of clients I get to be working with each week and I am LOVING what I am doing.
I encourage you – if you have that desire in your heart to do something, don’t wait. There will never be the “right” time. You create it!